Last updated
Last updated
Total supply: 150,000,000 CVG
Staking rewards (42%)
60,000,000 CVG
is released over approximately 400 years every week. Every 2 years, emissions are reduced by a factor . Emissions decreasing stops after 20 years, to keep a tail emission until the full staking inflation is released. The initial weekly inflation is 60,576 CVG
Bonds (30%)
40,000,000 CVG
released over 240 weeks (4.6 years). 8,000,000 CVG
will remain unplanned in the bonding program as an elastic reserve.
DAO (9,5%) Vested over 1.5 years, 5% available at launch. Used to deploy initial liquidity and for future incentives (airdrop, community events, etc).
Team (8,5%) Vested over 2 years.
Investors (8,5%)
Whitelist: 33% available at launch. The remaining 67% are vested over 3 months
Seed investors: 120 days cliff followed by a 5% allocation release. The remaining 95% are vested over 15 months
Partners (0,5%)
Allocation reserved to advisors and close partners. Vested on the same schedule than seed investors.
Airdrop (1%)
Global inflation overview: