Staking cvxTKNs

For each staking contract, you can deposit ETH, the naked underlying token, the Convex's cvxTKN, or the gauge receipt token (stkcvxTKN). As a result, if your funds are already deposited on Convex, it is not needed to withdraw before entering the staking pools.

  1. Select the token that you want to deposit and enter an amount;

  2. Choose between minting cvxCRV with CRV, or swapping CRV for cvxCRV. Swapping may results in getting more cvxCRV if the peg is below 1;

  3. Choose if you want to stake your CVR deposit on Convex. Not staking is less expensive in gas, but a 0.25% deposit fee will be charged;

  4. Click the Approve button, and then the Stake button.

Last updated